Permutohedral complexes and rational curves with cyclic action

Autor: Emily Clader, Chiara Damiolini, Daoji Huang, Shiyue Li, Rohini Ramadas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: We define a moduli space of rational curves with finite-order automorphism and weighted orbits, and we prove that the combinatorics of its boundary strata are encoded by a particular polytopal complex that also captures the algebraic structure of a complex reflection group acting on the moduli space. This generalizes the situation for Losev-Manin's moduli space of curves (whose boundary strata are encoded by the permutohedron and related to the symmetric group) as well as the situation for Batyrev-Blume's moduli space of curves with involution, and it extends that work beyond the toric context.
47 pages, 12 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE