Quantum cascade laser Kerr frequency comb

Autor: Lecaplain, C., Javerzac-Galy, C., Lucas, E., Jost, J. D., Tobias J. Kippenberg
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: The mid-infrared (mid-IR) regime (typically the wavelength regime of $\lambda \sim 2.5-20 \ \mathrm{\mu m}$) is an important spectral range for spectroscopy as many molecules have their fundamental rotational-vibrational absorption in this band. Recently optical frequency combs based on optical microresonators ("Kerr" combs) at the onset of the mid-IR region have been generated using crystalline resonators and integrated planar silicon micro-resonators. Here we extend for the first time Kerr combs deep into the mid-IR i.e. the 'molecular fingerprint' region. This is achieved by combining an ultra high quality (Q) factor mid-IR microresonator based on crystalline $\mathrm{MgF_{2}}$ with the quantum cascade laser (QCL) technology. Using a tapered chalgogenide (ChG) fiber and a QCL continuous wave pump laser, frequency combs at $\lambda\sim 4.4\ \mathrm{\mu m}$ (i.e. 2270cm$^{-1}$) are generated, that span over 600nm (i.e. 300cm$^{-1}$) in bandwidth, with a mode spacing of 14.3GHz (0.5cm$^{-1}$), corresponding to more than 700 comb lines. Numerical simulations of the Kerr comb formation and the resonator dispersion predict that even larger bandwidth and coherent operation in the soliton regime may be achieved by dispersion engineering of the crystalline microresonator. The combination of ultra-high Q crystalline microresonators and CW QCL sources is a promising platform for broadband, compact sources of frequency combs in the mid-IR, that provides a route to compact mid-IR spectrometers.
Comment: We retract this submission as further measurements revealed that the FTIR instrument used in experiments is subject to spectral artefacts, as a result of a modulated input laser signal (caused by coupling mid IR laser light to the crystalline resonator). The spectra in Figure 3 are attributed to this effect and are not actual mid IR combs. All other measurements are unaffected by this conclusion
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