Comparison of preoperative platelet functions by thromboelastogram in patients selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors user and non-user

Autor: Resul, Yılmaz, Merve, Yusifov, Gülçin, Hacıbeyoğlu, Şule, Arıcan, Ahmet, Topal
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.
ISSN: 1306-696X
Popis: The use of antidepressant drugs, in particular selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), has increased in recent years. Using SSRIs can cause changes in serotonin metabolism. Serotonin provides platelet aggregation and plays a role in the regulation of vascular tone and coagulation processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of SSRI use on coagulation functions with thromboelastogram (TEG) in patients undergoing surgical operation and to compare with non-user cases.The study was designed for 60 patients whose physical status was classified according to the American Society of Anes-thesiology (ASA) classification as ASA I-II were included in the study. During routine pre-operative blood tests, 2 ml complete blood sample used and TEG performed. The cases were divided into two groups as SSRI user and non-user and analyzed.R value was higher in SSRI user patients than in non-user patients. The MA value was significantly lower in SSRI user. There was no statistically significant difference in other parameters. In the evaluation based on duration of SSRI use, there was no statistically significant difference between those whose duration of use was more than 1 year and1 year.When the coagulation process was evaluated by TEG method, it was seen that the onset of clotting was prolonged and thrombus formation was slowed down in SSRI users. The results did not reveal that SSRI alone was the cause of bleeding, but it was concluded that slowing the process might be important, especially for surgical operations.
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