Nastojanja na putu 'rane deseksualizacije' djece – interes djeteta ili potreba odraslih
Autor: | Dijana Jakovac-Lozić |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: |
Political science
prava djeteta rana seksualizacija djece Ujedinjeni narodi Vijeće Europe Europska unija zdravstveni i spolni odgoj djece media_common.cataloged_instance European union Humanities child’s rights early sexualisation of children United Nations Council of Europe European Union health and sexual education of children media_common |
Zdroj: | Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu Volume 57 Issue 2 |
ISSN: | 1847-0459 0584-9063 |
DOI: | 10.31141/zrpfs.2020.57.136.479 |
Popis: | Jedan od značajnijih mehanizama na putu stvaranja nekog novog društvenog poretka jest indoktrinacija djece. U eri prevalencije hegemonističko-globalističkih ideja i stremljenja koja svijet budućnosti percipiraju kao masu bez povijesti, kulture i identiteta, u vremenu gašenja ili barem erodiranja dječjih prava, radničkih prava, prava nerođenih, starijih, bolesnih, bujaju seksualna prava i to ona namijenjena najmlađima. Rad na postizanju otuđenja od stvarnosti stremi najgnusnijemu – seksualizaciji djece. Većim dijelom biva kanaliziran kroz obvezne odgojno-obrazovne modele (od vrtića do škola). K tome, ne smijemo smetnuti s uma ni ulogu kontinuiteta ‘širenja prostora slobode’, zahvaljujući utjecajima suvremenih tehnologija (internet, društvene mreže i sl.), čime se dodatno šire prostori mogućnosti manipulacije, kao i kontrole utjecaja na djecu. Iza ovoga stoje nagnuća svjetskih centara moći, međunarodnih organizacija, počevši od Ujedinjenih naroda, preko Vijeća Europe do Europske unije. Isti daju izniman “doprinos” na području navedenog segmenta suvremene puerikulture. Istodobno roditeljska uloga nikada nije bila na većoj kušnji i nikada nije bila do te mjere marginalizirana kao sada. Međunarodna zajednica, postavljajući se u ulogu fanatičnog “popravljača svijeta”, roditeljima otima vlastito potomstvo, obrazujući ih i odgajajući prema zacrtanim postulatima. Međutim, osim odgojno-obrazovnih programa, djeca se izravno uvode u domenu rane seksualizacije i kroz suživot u ‘nenaravnom’ roditeljskom (istospolnom, transrodnom) okruženju, što je dio i hrvatskog pravnog realiteta. Pitamo se gdje se u svem tom metežu gomilanja i mrvljenja ljudskih prava, značaja političke i ine korektnosti, pogubila dobrobit djeteta kao imperativ te najbolji interes djeteta kao pravo nad svakim pravom? Pogubili su se upravo u trenutku u kojem nam je živjeti – trenutku slobode ludosti i stida zdravoumnosti. Among the important mechanisms in creating a new social order is indoctrination of children. In the era of prevalence of hegemonistic and globalist ideas and strivings, perceiving the future world as a mass with no history, culture and identity, at the time of ending, or at least eroding, the children’s rights, the workers’ rights, the rights of the unborn, the older, the sick, thrive sexual rights, in particular those targeted to the youngest. The endeavours towards an alienation from the reality aspire to the most disgusting - the sexualisation of the children. This is channelled firstly through the compulsory upbringing and educational models (from kindergartens to schools). Here, the role of the continuity of “widening the expance of the freedom” must not be forgotten as well, implemented through the influences created by the modern technologies (internet, social networks and like), these additionally widen the areas of possibilities of manipulation, and of controlling the influences to the children. Behind this stand inclinations of the global centres of power, international organisations, from the United Nations, to the Council of Europe and the European Union. They are producing an exceptional “contribution” in the field of the above mentioned segment of the modern puericulture. At the same time, the parental role has never been at a greater test and has never been this much marginalised as it is now. The international community, proclaiming itself a fanatic “rectifier of the world”, is depriving parents of their own progeny, educating and upbringing the later by the set postulates. However, besides the educational and upbringing programmes, the children are directly entered into the domain of early sexualisation, and through cohabitation with the “unnatural” parental (same-sex, transgender) environment, which is a part of the Croatian legal reality as well. We are wandering where in this entire commotion of hoarding and pulverisation of the human rights, importance of political and other correctnesses, there have been lost the benefit of the children as an imperative and the best interest of the child as a right above all other rights. They are lost just at the moment that we are to live - the moment of freedom of foolishness and shame of sane-mindedness. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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