A galvanomagnetic investigation of TiB2, NbB2 and ZrB2

Autor: William Gordon, Stephen B. Soffer
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 36:627-631
ISSN: 0022-3697
DOI: 10.1016/0022-3697(75)90080-3
Popis: Low temperature measurements were made of the transverse magnetoresistivity and Hall coefficient of single crystals of nominal compositions TiB2, NbB2 and ZrB2 as a function of magnetic field strength. The data are compared to predictions of the two-band spherical Fermi surface model. For TiB2 and NbB2 predictions of the model can be made to conform reasonably well to the experimental results. Results for ZrB2 do not fit the model as well, perhaps, because of a larger deviation from stoichiometry. In spite of low resistance ratios (⩽ 100) the crystals exhibit behavior characteristic of intermediate field strengths (ωτ > 0.1) at liquid helium temperatures. This implies that light mass carriers predominate.
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