Solvent- and concentration-induced self-assembly of an amphiphilic perylene dye

Autor: Antonella Caterina Boccia, Vladimír Lukeš, Erika Kozma, Anita Eckstein-Andicsová
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: New journal of chemistry (1987) 44 (2020): 892–899. doi:10.1039/c9nj05674b
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Boccia, Antonella Caterina; Lukes, Vladimir; Eckstein-Andicsova, Anita; Kozma, Erika/titolo:Solvent-and concentration-induced self-assembly of an amphiphilic perylene dye/doi:10.1039%2Fc9nj05674b/rivista:New journal of chemistry (1987)/anno:2020/pagina_da:892/pagina_a:899/intervallo_pagine:892–899/volume:44
ISSN: 1369-9261
Popis: A new amphiphilic perylene dye bearing two carboxylic and two amidic chains (PDA-CA) has been synthesized and the ability to form pi-pi driven aggregates or folded structures has been investigated in aqueous or organic solvents at different concentrations, by means of NMR spectroscopy, theoretical calculations and optical characterization. The H-1 NMR data showed the coexistence of supramolecular aggregates due to a synergetic effect of pi-pi stacking, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions. The ratio between these species has been evaluated by concentration- and temperature-dependent H-1 NMR experiments and also by the effect of aqueous or organic solvents. UV-Vis measurements are in agreement with NMR data evidencing the presence of more organized structures in organic solvents and aggregated species in aqueous solution. The pi-stacking ability and the role intermolecular hydrogen bonds in the formation of different aggregated structures, was also estimated by density functional theory.
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