Contraposition, Juxtaposition, and Transposition of the Urban and the Rural

Autor: Marco Santangelo
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Agrourbanism ISBN: 9783319955759
Popis: Understanding the relationship between what is urban and what is rural is not an easy task, especially since the objects of analysis seem to be positioned in different spaces: as a result, one could be defined as not being the other. To what extent, however, the attribution of urban and rural qualities can be explicitly and undoubtedly given to certain spaces? Urbanization processes, since the 19th century, have de facto blurred the boundaries of cities, making it difficult and hazardous to draw a precise line between the urban and the rural. Furthermore, recent phenomena of increasing attention to agriculture (and food production), both within the urban, suburban, sprawled and properly rural spaces, highlight the cultural value added to agricultural practices, strengthening their relationship with cities even when such practices happen far outside of them. The chapter will thus reflect on how the relationship between urban and rural has moved from a contraposition of spaces and meanings, to their juxtaposition and, recently, to an apparent transposition of the rural into the urban.
Databáze: OpenAIRE