Carbon Financial Markets Underlying Climate Change Mitigation, Pricing and Challenges: Technical Analysis

Autor: Adil El Amri, Salah Oulfarsi, Rachid Boutti Rachid Boutti, Abdelhak Sahib Eddine, Aziz Hmioui
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
пом'якшення наслідків зміни клімату
050208 finance
cхема торгівлі викидами Європейського Союзу
детерминанты цен на CO2 (EUA)
смягчение последствий изменения климата
05 social sciences
sanitary COVID-19 crisis
010501 environmental sciences
технический анализ
technical analysis
cхема торговли квотами на выбросы Европейского союза
European Union emissions trading scheme
санитарный кризис COVID-19
01 natural sciences
технічний аналіз
climate change mitigation
детермінанти цін на CO2 (EUA)
determinants of CO2 prices (EUA)
0502 economics and business
санітарна криза COVID-19
0105 earth and related environmental sciences
Popis: Climate Change (CC) is a major issue of our century. Controlling the constraints of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions through transformation into opportunities, in an organization to increase industrial production, has become a necessity. The main reason for this adoption was the effectiveness of energy management and responsible linkages that are being developed to determine the issues and opportunities of carbon finance for organizations. Through analysis of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), this article presents and determinate the variables that influence the performance of the strategies of EU ETS players via the EUA allowances. Our study focuses on price changes in the EUA, being the most liquid carbon asset. In this regard, we highlighted the daily spot price of the EUA to highlight the daily changes affecting this price, given the high volatility in this Carbon financial market. The treatments of the determinants of CO2 prices (EUA) can be used to analyze the evolving and expanding carbon financial markets sphere. It features stylized facts about carbon financial markets from an economics and management perspective, as well as covering key aspects of pricing strategies (institutional decisions, energy prices and extreme weather events), climate change mitigation. Aimed at those with technical analysis, the CO2 prices within the framework of the EU ETS depend on several determinants. This paper constitutes an introduction to emission trading and an overview of the regulations governing Carbon financial markets. First, we detail the price changes in the EUA and primary energy prices. Second, we introduce the main characteristics of emissions trading, be it in terms of spatial and temporal limits, Clean Dark Spread, Clean Spark Spread and Switch Price. Third, we provide a technical analysis of atmospheric variables, structural variations and the Sanitary COVID-19 crisis and their impacts in the price development of EU CO2 allowances and presnt after conclusion some implications for future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE