Saturation of Energy Levels of the Hydrogen Atom in Strong Magnetic Field

Autor: Dmitri Maximovitch Gitman, T. C. Adorno, Anatoly E. Shabad
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Universe
Volume 6
Issue 11
Universe, Vol 6, Iss 204, p 204 (2020)
Popis: We demonstrate that the finiteness of the limiting values of the lower energy levels of a hydrogen atom under an unrestricted growth of the magnetic field, into which this atom is embedded, is achieved already when the vacuum polarization (VP) is calculated in the magnetic field within the approximation of the local action of Euler&ndash
Heisenberg. We find that the mechanism for this saturation is different from the one acting, when VP is calculated via the Feynman diagram in the Furry picture. We study the effective potential that appears when the adiabatic (diagonal) approximation is exploited for solving the Schrö
dinger equation for the longitudinal degree of freedom of the electron on the lowest Landau level in the atom. We find that the (effective) potential of a point-like charge remains nonsingular thanks to the growing screening provided by VP. The regularizing length turns out to be &alpha
C, where ¯
C is the electron Compton length. The family of effective potentials, labeled by growing values of the magnetic field condenses towards a certain limiting, magnetic-field-independent potential-distance curve. The limiting values of even ground-state energies are determined for four magnetic quantum numbers using the Karnakov&ndash
Popov method.
Databáze: OpenAIRE