Secret key rate of a continuous-variable quantum-key-distribution scheme when the detection process is inaccessible to eavesdroppers

Autor: Takuya Hirano, Akira Kitagawa, Ryo Namiki
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: We have developed a method to calculate a secret key rate of a continuous-variable quantum-key-distribution scheme using four coherent states and postselection for a general model of Gaussian attacks. We assume that the transmission line and detection process are described by a pair of Gaussian channels. In our analysis, while the loss and noise on the transmission line are induced by an eavesdropper, Eve, who can replace the transmission line with a lossless and noiseless optical fiber, she is assumed inaccessible to the detection process. By separating the transmission noise and detection noise, we can always extract a larger key compared with the case that all loss and noises are induced by an eavesdropper's interference. An asymptotic key rate against collective Gaussian attacks can be determined numerically for the given channels' parameters. The improvement of the key rates turns out to be more significant for the reverse-reconciliation scheme.
9 pages, 4 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE