Students' social, emotional and intercultural competencies and their development in school settings

Autor: Jelena Matić Bojić, Ana Kozina, Nina Eliasson, Ales Ojsteršek, Mirta Mornar, Christine Sälzer, Katinka Gøtzsche, Lana Jurko, Iva Odak, Svenja Vieluf, Manja Veldin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Female student
Selbst gesteuertes Lernen
social and emotional competencies
intercultural competencies
intervention programme
Virtual learning
Social emotional learning
Empirische Bildungsforschung
Male student
Hierarchical Linear Modelling
Teaching objective
Longitudinal analysis
Longitudinal study
Social and emotional competencies
Schul- und Bildungswesen

Political science
Goal definition
Multi-level analysis
Self-directed learning
intervencijski program
socio-emocionalne kompetencije
Human medicine
Emotional development
interkulturne kompetencije
Zdroj: Šolsko polje 31 (2020) 3-4, S. 115-137
Popis: IN ENGLISH: Over the last few decades, there has been a significant rise in the number of programmes aimed at developing students’ social, emotional and intercultural competencies. This has coincided with growing recognition of the role that schools have to play in fostering not only the cognitive, but also the social and emotional development of their students. Despite targeting separate competencies, there seem to be many similarities in approaches to students’ social and emotional learning (SEL) as well as developing intercultural skills, presenting a rationale for their integration and conceptualisation on the social, emotional and intercultural (SEI) level. The myriad of different SEI programmes provides an arsenal of useful tools for school-based SEI learning. However, choosing which programme to use, considering how to implement it and determining whether it will be effective can be quite overwhelming. Existing approaches aimed at teaching SEI competencies vary greatly depending on the programme, as does the content of the programme and its design. In this paper, we seek to tackle the question of how SEI competencies are taught, with particular emphasis on the content and theoretical or conceptual background of existing interventions, together with their methodological and organisational aspects. We also explore whether and how the evaluation of existing programmes has been conducted, the most important results and the aspects of implementation which are key to fostering the development of SEI competencies in educational contexts. This paper presents an overview of relevant aspects worth acknowledging while developing and implementing SEI programmes, and which might prove especially useful when programmes are conceptualised within the overall SEI (instead of the more often used SEL) learning framework. Given the importance of SEI competencies for the overall well-being of students (and hence their parents and school staff), we encourage researchers and practitioners to build upon these insights while developing and implementing comprehensive SEI programmes. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko desetljeca zabilježen je znacajan porast broja programa usmjerenih na razvoj socijalnih, emocionalnih i interkulturnih kompetencija ucenika. S porastom broja programa raste i svijest o važnosti uloge skole u poticanju ne samo kognitivnog, vec i socijalnog i emocionalnog razvoja ucenika. Unatoc usmjeravanju na razlicite kompetencije, cini se da postoji mnogo slicnosti u pristupima socijalnom i emocionalnom ucenju ucenika (SEL) i razvoju interkulturnih vjestina, sto predstavlja temelj za njihovu integraciju i konceptualizaciju na socijalnoj, emocionalnoj i interkulturnoj (SEI) razini. Velik broj razlicitih SEI programa nudi mnogo korisnih alata za poucavanje SEI kompetencija u skoli. Međutim, odabir programa koji ce se koristiti, razmatranje nacina njegove implementacije i utvrđivanje njegove ucinkovitosti može biti poprilicno zahtjevan posao. Postojeci pristupi usmjereni na poucavanje SEI kompetencija, sadržaj programa i njegov dizajn uvelike se razlikuju ovisno o programu. Cilj ovog rada je provjeriti na koji se nacin poucavaju SEI kompetencije, s posebnim naglaskom na sadržaj i teorijsku ili konceptualnu pozadinu postojecih intervencija te njihove metodoloske i organizacijske aspekte. Također se istražuje je li i na koji nacin provedena evaluacija postojecih programa, koji su najvažniji rezultati, te koji su aspekti provedbe kljucni za poticanje razvoja SEI kompetencija u obrazovnom kontekstu. Ovaj rad predstavlja pregled relevantnih aspekata koje vrijedi razmotriti tijekom razvoja i provedbe SEI programa, a koji mogu biti posebno korisni kada se programi konceptualiziraju unutar SEI (umjesto cesce koristenog SEL) okvira ucenja. S obzirom na važnost SEI kompetencija za dobrobit ucenika (a time i za dobrobit njihovih roditelja i skolskog osoblja), poticemo istraživace i prakticare da koriste ove uvide prilikom razvoja i implementacije sveobuhvatnih SEI programa.
Databáze: OpenAIRE