Rules for the Governance of Transport and Land use Integration in High-speed Railway Station Areas in China: The Case of Lanzhou

Autor: Ellen Van Bueren, Martin De Jong, Aksel Ersoy, Biyue Wang
Přispěvatelé: Public Administration, Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity (DOIP), Department of Business-Society Management
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Urban Policy and Research, 40(2)
Urban Policy and Research, 40(2), 122-141. Routledge
ISSN: 1476-7244
Popis: The rapid high-speed railway development in China has faced many institutional challenges for the integrated development of transport and land use in station areas. This paper aims to gain insight into the institutional rules that structure the actors’ interactions and how they influence the integrated development in station areas. The Institutional Analysis and Development framework has been applied to a specific action situation, named Lanzhou West HSR station area in China. The findings from interviews, document analysis, and field visits reveal that Chinese institutional rules obstruct interactions between actors, thereby hampering the integrated development of functions in HSR station areas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE