The eating habits of school children from the longevity blue zone of Sardinia : a positive model

Autor: Francesco Tolu, Alessandra Errigo, Maria Pina Dore, Gianni Pes, Michel Poulain, A. Canelada
Přispěvatelé: UCL - SSH/IACS - Institute of Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical Societies
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, Vol. 5, no.5 (2015)
Popis: A healthy diet should balance caloric intake (quality calories) with a variety of foods poor in simple sugars, such as cereals and legumes, fruits and vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products, fish, meat, and eggs prepared with culinary skills and minimally processed. This paper investigates the eating habits of school children of Villagrande, Italy, a rural village characterized by the remarkable longevity of its inhabitants, and makes a comparison with a sample of school children of the same age from an urban setting in the island. A specific questionnaire was used to collect demographic data, meals structure and composition, frequency of food consumption, and characteristic of the usual diet. The frequency of healthy eating habits, according to the current standards, was superior in the rural compared to the urban setting. The consumption of vegetables was higher in rural than in urban students (≥ once a week, 94% vs 54%, p
Databáze: OpenAIRE