Long-lasting Thrombocytopenia after Transient Pancytopenia Induced by Short-Term Concomitant Radiotherapy and Temozolomide

Autor: Marina Nikitovic, Danica Grujicic, Andrija Bogdanović, Aleksandar Stepanovic
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine (2020)
Eur J Case Rep Intern Med
Popis: We describe long-lasting and incompletely resolved thrombocytopenia after transient profound pancytopenia in a 62-year-old female patient with glioblastoma after short-term radiotherapy with temozolomide. Pancytopenia was present for more than 4 weeks and thrombocytopenia for more than 6 months, without platelet recovery to normal levels. LEARNING POINTS: Some patients may experience severe haematological manifestations after even short-term radiotherapy with temozolomide. In everyday practice, clinical models precisely predicting the haematological toxicity of concomitant treatment with temozolomide and radiotherapy is necessary, especially in countries where genetic tests are not available. Incomplete recovery of the cells of a particular bloodline over a long period may necessitate permanent discontinuation of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
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