Levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1, soluble E-selectin, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor p55 and p75 in atopic children

Autor: H. Koning, M.P. Laan, M.R.M. Baert, Huub F. J. Savelkoul, Herman J. Neijens, W. A. Buurman, Arnold P. Oranje
Přispěvatelé: Algemene Heelkunde, RS: NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Allergy, 53(1), 51-58. Wiley-Blackwell
ISSN: 0105-4538
Popis: Department of Immunology, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.During inflammation, membrane expression of adhesion molecules and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-receptors (TNF-R) are increased, and soluble forms of these molecules are released. This study analyzed plasma levels of sICAM-1 and sE-selectin as well as TNF-alpha, sTNF-R55, and sTNF-R75 in nonallergic (NAA) and allergic asthma patients (AA), atopic dermatitis patients (AD), and healthy children (HC) by ELISA. Plasma levels of sICAM-1, sE-selectin, and sTNF-R, but not TNF-alpha, were detectable, but were not significantly different between the patient groups and healthy children. In the AA group, a significant correlation (rs = 0.78, P = 0.008) was found between sICAM-1 and sE-selectin levels. Furthermore, a significant correlation was found between sTNF-R55 and sTNF-R75 levels in the AA group (rs = 0.70, P = 0.025) and in the AD group (rs = 0.69, P = 0.027). In AD patients, a significant correlation was observed between sE-selectin and the disease severity, as measured by the SCORAD index (rs = 0.73, P = 0.038). Our data demonstrate that plasma levels of sICAM-1, sE-selectin, TNF-alpha, sTNF-R55, and sTNF-R75 were not different between atopic and nonatopic children during a stable phase of the disease. In AD patients, levels of sE-selectin seemed to be related to clinical severity of the disease.
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