Darboux transformations from the Appell-Lauricella operator

Autor: Antonia M. Delgado, Lidia Fernández, Plamen Iliev
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1909.07796
Popis: We define two isomorphic algebras of differential operators: the first algebra consists of ordinary differential operators and contains the hypergeometric differential operator, while the second one consists of partial differential operators in d variables and contains the Appell-Lauricella partial differential operator. Using this isomorphism, we construct partial differential operators which are Darboux transformations from polynomials of the Appell-Lauricella operator. We show that these operators can be embedded into commutative algebras of partial differential operators, containing d mutually commuting and algebraically independent partial differential operators, which can be considered as quantum completely integrable systems. Moreover, these algebras can be simultaneously diagonalized on the space of polynomials leading to extensions of the Jacobi polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Dirichlet distribution on the simplex.
Databáze: OpenAIRE