The Description and Application of an Odour Dispersion Model

Autor: Erkki Rantakrans, Tarja Savunen
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XIII ISBN: 9781461368632
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-4153-0_16
Popis: An odour dispersion model differs from other dispersion models by its capability to represent the short-term peak values of the concentrations of odorous compounds (Rantakrans and Savunen, 1995), which may vary with time scales less than one minute. The commonly-used hourly mean concentration is not adequate for describing the presence of odour (Hanna, 1986). The concentration of odorous compounds can exceed the odour threshold level, despite the fact that the hourly mean is clearly below the odour threshold (Fig. 1). We have developed an odour dispersion model, which can be used to estimate the short-term peak values of odorous compounds from one or multiple sources. The emissions may also vary with time. Both horizontal and vertical fluctuations of the plume are considered in the model. The model also includes computational methods for area- and volume sources. The model has been applied to provide dispersion estimates of odorous compounds for numerous domestic industrial facilities.
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