Various Dermatoses What the Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma Had Anxiety for the Recurrence during Postoperative Surveillance

Autor: Hyun-Joo Lee, Hyun Chang Ko, Hyang Suk You, Byung Soo Kim, Hyunju Jin, Jeong-Min Kim, Woo Haing Shim, Je-Ho Mun, Gun Wook Kim, Hoon-Soo Kim, Moon-Bum Kim
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Annals of Dermatology
ISSN: 2005-3894
Popis: Background: The incidence and mortality rates associated with cutaneous melanoma (CM) have steadily increased over the last 20 years. Even with successful treatment, mela-noma patients usually experience substantial anxiety regard-ing the development of terrible recurrence. To date, few stud-ies have investigated various dermatoses what the patients with CM had anxiety for the recurrence during postoperative surveillance (Dw). Objective: To describe various Dw and to evaluate the risk of subsequent malignant skin disease in pa-tients with CM. Methods: We performed a prospective study between August 2002 and August 2015. Results: Fifty-six pa-tients presented with a total of 68 Dw. Among them, melano-cytic nevus was the most common (n=27), followed by se-borrheic keratosis (n=9) and CM recurrence (n=7). Approximately 5.6% of the lesions were diagnosed as malig-nant skin diseases. This was a single-center study, so the prev-alence of malignant skin diseases following primary melano-ma may not represent that of all patients with CM. Conclusion: The results of this study can be referred by der-matologists dealing with melanoma especially when CM pa-tients have too excessive or unrealistic anxiety for melanoma recurrence during postoperative surveillance of CM. However, the importance of postoperative surveillance must still be emphasized because of real risk of melanoma re-currence and other malignant skin. (Ann Dermatol 29(4) 433 ∼437, 2017)
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