Government regulations and other influences on the medical use of computers

Autor: Ralph R. Grams, David J. Mishelevich, Susan G. Mize, Janet P. Smith
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Journal of medical systems. 3(1-2)
ISSN: 0148-5598
Popis: This paper presents points brought out in a panel discussion held at the 12th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, January 1979. The session was attended by approximately two dozen interested parties from various segments of the academic, government, and health care communities. The broad categories covered include the specific problems of government regulations and their impact on specific clinical information systems installed at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, opportunities in a regulated environment, problems in a regulated environment, vendor-related issues in the marketing and manufacture of computer-based information systems, rational approaches to government control, and specific issues related to medical computer science.
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