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The best-developed and most commonly used method these days with sterile couples is intrauterine insemination. The review and analysis of materials in this field and our data lead to the conclusions that the methods are most successful with young patients, with low BMI, on a stimulated cycle, with slight male factor and when a soft catheter is used. The purpose of this research is to find in what way the various factors affect the success of asisted reproductiv tehnic (ART) procedure intrauterin insemination (IUI). Retrospective research was conducted of couples with primary and secondary infertility that underwent a treatment course and intrauterine insemination at Medical Center for Reproductive Health Dr Shterev Ruse in the period 2012-2015. Their total number was 162 cycles for a 4-year period from March 2012 to December 2015. Out of them 141 cycles were autologous and 21 were with sperm from donors. Our average pregnancy percentage was 10.49 % for the whole group of all couples. The group up to 30 years old was with the highest percentage – 33.33%, followed by the group 31-35 years of age - 21.74 %. For the group 36 up to 40 years of age the success was 7,70 %. With the couples over 41 years old there were no pregnant women. Our conclusion is that couples who are young up to 30 years of age and with a slight male factor that don’t have comorbidities have the highest chance of getting pregnant. With the couples that underwent re-insemination on the next day the success was higher. Factors such as body mass index (BMI) , type of catheter and volume of material for application are not significant to increase the success percentage. |