Comparing the runoff decompositions of small testbed catchments: end-member mixing analysis against hydrological modelling

Autor: Andrey Bugaets, Boris Gartsman, Tatiana Gubareva, Sergei Lupakov, Andrey Kalugin, Vladimir Shamov, Leonid Gonchukov
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 1607-7938
DOI: 10.5194/hess-2021-626
Popis: This study is focused on the comparison of catchment streamflow composition simulated with three well-known rainfall-runoff (RR) models (ECOMAG, HBV, SWAT) against hydrograph decomposition onto the principal constituents evaluated from End-Member Mixing Analysis (EMMA). There used the data provided by the short-term in-situ observations at two small mountain-taiga experimental catchments located in the south of Pacific Russia. All used RR models demonstrate that two neighboring small catchments disagree significantly in mutual dynamics of the runoff fractions due to geological and landscape structure differences. The geochemical analysis confirmed the differences in runoff generation processes at both studied catchments. The assessment of proximity of the runoff constituents to the hydrograph decomposition with the EMMA that makes a basis for the RR models benchmark analysis. We applied three data aggregation intervals (season, month and pentad) to find a reasonable data generalization period ensuring results clarity. In terms of runoff composition, the most conformable RR model to EMMA is found to be ECOMAG, HBV gets close to reflect specific runoff events well enough, SWAT gives distinctive behavior against other models. The study shows that along with using the standard efficiency criteria reflected proximity of simulated and modelling values of runoff, compliance with the EMMA results might give useful auxiliary information for hydrological modelling results validation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE