A Plasmonic Painter’s Method of Color Mixing for a Continuous Red–Green–Blue Palette

Autor: Hadi Eghlidi, Mehdi Damak, Dimos Poulikakos, Claudio U. Hail, Gabriel Schnoering
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ACS Nano. 14:1783-1791
ISSN: 1936-086X
Popis: The ability of mixing colors with remarkable results had long been exclusive to the talents of master painters. By finely combining colors in different amounts on the palette, intuitively, they obtain smooth gradients with any given color. Creating such smooth color variations through scattering by the structural patterning of a surface, as opposed to color pigments, has long remained a challenge. Here, we borrow from the painter's approach and demonstrate color mixing generated by an optical metasurface. We propose a single-layer plasmonic color pixel and a method for nanophotonic structural color mixing based on the additive red-green-blue (RGB) color model. The color pixels consist of plasmonic nanorod arrays that generate vivid primary colors and enable independent control of color brightness without affecting chromaticity by simply varying geometric in-plane parameters. By interleaving different nanorod arrays, we combine up to three primary colors on a single pixel. Based on this, two- and three-color mixing is demonstrated, enabling the continuous coverage of a plasmonic RGB color gamut and yielding a palette with a virtually unlimited number of colors. With this multiresonant color pixel, we show the photorealistic printing of color and monochrome images at the nanoscale, with ultrasmooth transitions in color and brightness. Our color-mixing approach can be applied to a broad range of scatterer designs and materials and has the potential to be used for multiwavelength color filters and dynamic photorealistic displays.
Databáze: OpenAIRE