Screening early renal failure: Cut-off values for serum creatinine as an indicator of renal impairment

Autor: Michel Labeeuw, Claire Pouteil-Noble, Cécile Couchoud, Nicole Pozet
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Kidney International. 55:1878-1884
ISSN: 0085-2538
Popis: Screening early renal failure: Cut-off values for serum creati- creatinine. Given the effort required to obtain accurately nine as indicator of renal impairment. timed urine specimens, the glomerular filtration rate is Background. The aim of this study was to define cut-off often estimated from serum creatinine concentration alone values for serum creatinine as an indicator of several levels of or by standard formulas estimating creatinine clearance. renal impairment. The diagnosis of renal failure is usually suspected when Methods. To identify the suitable values, receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed based on the data of serum creatinine is greater than the upper limit of the 984 laboratory assessments of renal function. The glomerular "normal" interval. These limits are defined as the 97.5th filtration rate was measured with inulin clearance. Three levels percentile established by the distribution of the value of of renal impairment were analyzed. An index that gave the serum creatinine in a large sample of population consid- same weight to false positive and false negative results was ered healthy. One study, based on 18,000 serum creati- used to determine the thresholds. Robustness of the results was tested using a "bootstrap" technique. nine measurements (Jaffereaction), provided a normal Results. Considering an inulin clearance of less than 80 ml/ value in men of 63 to 112 mmol/liter and in women the min/1.73 m 2
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