Plasma fibrinogen in the diagnosis of neurogenic hyperthermia

Autor: Bruno W. Volk, Abram Kanof
Rok vydání: 1961
Zdroj: The Journal of pediatrics. 59
ISSN: 0022-3476
Popis: Summary This study was designed to compare the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the plasma fibrinogen level as guides in differentiating fever of noninfectious central nervous system origin from that produced by infection. For this purpose, serial determination of the ESR and fibrinogen was carried out in 24 patients with various types of brain involvement, such as dysaoutonomia, Tay-Sachs disease and Schilder's disease, chorea, and hydrocephalus. In no instance was a high plasma fibrinogenlevel maintained in the absence of infection. A normal fibrinogen concentration would seem to indicate a central origin for an elevated temperature regardless of whether there is an acceleration of the ESR. It is believed that serial determinations of the plasma fibrinogen concentration may serve as a useful tool in distinguishing fever of noninfectious central nervous system origin from that due to infections.
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