Multi Perspectives on Play Based Curriculum Quality Standards in the Center Learning Model

Autor: Eriva Syamsiatin, Hapidin, R. Sri Martini Meilanie
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini; Vol 14 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Volume 14 Number 1 April 2020 ; 15-31
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN USIA DINI; Vol 14 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Volume 14 Number 1 April 2020 ; 15-31
ISSN: 2503-0566
DOI: 10.21009/jpud.141.02
Popis: Playing curriculum development based on early childhood learning is a major issue in international early childhood education discussions. This study aims to look at the concepts and practices of play-based curriculum in early childhood education institutions. The study uses qualitative methods with the CIPP model program evaluation on play-based curriculum. Data collection techniqueswere carriedout using participatory observation, document studies and interviews. Participants are early childhood educators, early childhood and parents. The results found that the play-based curriculum has not yet become the main note in the preparation and development of concepts and learning practices in early childhood. Play-based curriculum quality standards have not provided a solid and clear concept foundation in placing play in the center of learning models. Other findings the institution has not been able to use the DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) approach fully, and has not been able to carry out the philosophy and ways for developing a curriculum based on play. However, quite a lot of research found good practices implemented in learning centers in early childhood education institutions, such as develop children's independence programs through habituation to toilet training and fantasy play. Keywords: Play Based Curriculum, Center Learning Model, Curriculum Quality Standards, Early Childhood Education Reference Alford, B. L., Rollins, K. B., Padrón, Y. N., & Waxman, H. C. (2016). Using Systematic Classroom Observation to Explore Student Engagement as a Function of Teachers’ Developmentally Appropriate Instructional Practices (DAIP) in Ethnically Diverse Pre- kindergarten Through Second-Grade Classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44(6), 623–635. Ali, E., Kaitlyn M, C., Hussain, A., & Akhtar, Z. 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