Changes in the Contents of Prosapogenin in the Red Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Depending on Steaming Batches

Autor: Wan Kyun Whang, Sun A Lee, Sung Kwon Ko, Hee Kyung Jo, Byung Ok Im, Sungun Kim
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Ginseng Research
ISSN: 1226-8453
Popis: This study compared the contents of ginsenosides depending on steaming conditions of red ginsengs to provide basic information for developing functional foods using red ginsengs. The red ginseng steamed eight times at 98℃ ranked atop the amounts of prosapogenins ever detected in red ginsengs (ginsenoside Rg₂, Rg₃, Rg?, Rg?, Rh₁, Rh₄, Rk₁, Rk₃, F₁, F₄, 1.15%) among red ginsengs steamed more than twice. When steamed eight times at 98℃, 2.7 times as much prosapogenins such as ginsenosides Rg₂, Rg₃, Rg?, Rg?, Rh₁, Rh₄, Rk₁, Rk₃, F₁, and F₄ as those steamed just once at 98℃ was collected. In addition, the red ginsengs steamed eight times at 98℃ contained more amounting ginsenoside Rg₃ (0.28%) than that in the red ginseng steamed several times at random. Accordingly, it is recommendable that red ginsengs steamed 8 times, which proved to be the optimal steaming condition, be used rather than those steamed 9 times (black ginsengs), in order to develop red ginseng products of high prosapogenin concentration and high functions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE