Thalamocortical boutons cluster by ON/OFF responses in mouse primary visual cortex

Autor: Elaine Tring, Dario L. Ringach
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of neurophysiology.
ISSN: 1522-1598
Popis: In higher mammals, the thalamic afferents to primary visual cortex cluster according to their responses to increases (ON) or decreases (OFF) in luminance. This feature of thalamocortical wiring is thought to create columnar, ON/OFF domains in V1. We have recently shown that mice also have ON/OFF cortical domains, but the organization of their thalamic afferents remains unknown. Here we measured the visual responses of thalamocortical boutons using two-photon imaging and found they also cluster in space according to ON/OFF responses. Moreover, fluctuations in the relative density of ON/OFF boutons mirrors fluctuations in the relative density of ON/OFF receptive field positions on the visual field. These findings indicate that there is a segregation of ON/OFF signals already present in the thalamic input, a result that may reflect the spatial organization of retinal ganglion cell mosaics themselves.New and NoteworthyNeurons in primary visual cortex cluster into ON and OFF domains, which have shown to be linked to the organization of receptive fields and cortical maps. Here we show that in the mouse, such clustering is already present in the thalamic input, suggesting that the cortical architecture is shaped by the periphery.
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