Mechanism of stabilization of polycaproamide by bis-(naphthoylene benzimidazole) derivatives on photo-oxidation

Autor: Yu. V. Chaiko, I. Ya. Kalontarov, F. F. Niyazi
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: The mechanism of the stabilization of polycaproamide to photo-oxidative degradation on UV irradiation has been investigated by introducing additions of bis-(naphthoylene benzimidazole) derivatives. The data on the rate of O2 uptake on UV irradiation of polycaproamide with the additives introduced indicate that stabilization is not determined solely by the screening mechanism. From investigation of the luminescent properties of the additives and the polycaproamide samples stabilized by them it is shown that these additives are also quenchers of the excited states of polycaproamide.
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