Additional file 1 of Potential health and economic impact of paediatric vaccination using next-generation influenza vaccines in Kenya: a modelling study

Autor: Waterlow, Naomi R., Radhakrishnan, Sreejith, Dawa, Jeanette, van Leeuwen, Edwin, Procter, Simon R., Lambach, Philipp, Bresee, Joseph, Mazur, Marie, Eggo, Rosalind M., Jit, Mark
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22618778
Popis: Additional file 1: Fig S1. Model Overview. Fig S2. Susceptibility and epidemic size comparison. Fig S3. Vaccine Immunity. Fig S4. Infections per 100’000 population. Fig S5. R0 values. Fig S6. Decision Tree. Fig S7. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves. Fig S8. Immunity at 75% coverage. Fig S9. Cumulative infections at 75% coverage. Fig S10. Results at 75% coverage. Fig S11. Immunity at 25% coverage. Fig S12. Cumulative infections at 25% coverage. Fig S13. Results at 25% coverage. Fig S14. Infections with increased susceptibility after vaccination. Fig S15. Results with increased susceptibility after vaccination, Fig S16. Cumulative Infections with fixed reduction in susceptibility. S17. Results with fixed reduction in susceptibility. Fig S18. Immunity for exact efficacies sensitivity. Fig S19. Cumulative infections for exact efficacies sensitivity. Fig S20. Results for exact efficacies sensitivity. S21. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves for different per-dose vaccine prices. Table S1. Parameters used in epidemic models. Table S2. Vaccine Efficacy. Table S3. Epidemic Timings. Table S4. Economic DALY parameters, Table S5. Economic cost parameters. Table S6. Willingness to pay thresholds. Table S7. Scenario output summaries. Table S8. Vaccine doses administered. Table S9. Incremental Net Monetary Benefits. Table S10. Threshold per-dose vaccine prices.
Databáze: OpenAIRE