A pilot plant scale testing of the application of seaweed-based natural coating and modified atmosphere packaging for shelf-life extension of fresh-cut apple

Autor: Ana Augusto, Andreia Miranda, Leonor Costa, Joaquina Pinheiro, Maria J. Campos, Délio Raimundo, Rui Pedrosa, Geoffrey Mitchell, Keshavan Niranjan, Susana F.J. Silva
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 1745-4549
Popis: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS : The team would like to acknowledge Campotec S.A for the opportunity to produce industrial samples in its installations. The authors acknowledge the support of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), through the strategic projects UIDB/04292/2020 and UIDP/04292/2020 granted to MARE, and the grants awarded to Ana Augusto (SFRH/BD/131465/2017) and Andreia Miranda (SFRH\BD\145425\2019). The authors acknowledge the support of the project Alagecoat (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-006392) through the COMPETE-Operational Competitiveness Programme, the European Union through EASME Blue Labs project AMALIA, Algaeto-MArket Lab IdeAs (EASME/EMFF/2016/, and the ORCHESTRA project (number 70155), co-funded by Centro 2020 program, Portugal 2020, European Union, European Regional Development Fund. Codium tomentosum hydroethanolic extract was obtained using a pilot solid–liquid extractor to validate the anti-browning functionality of the extract under industrial conditions. Fresh-cut apple slices were coated by immersion in: (1) a seaweed extract solution (0.5% w/v) and (2) a commercial coating, and the two sets of samples were compared with a control (immersion in water). Packaged samples were stored, under ambient and modified atmosphere conditions at 4°C. After 30 days of storage, the samples that were coated with the seaweed extract and packaged under modified atmosphere, demonstrated lower peroxidase activity and polyphenol oxidation when compared with the samples treated with the commercial additive. These results confirm, at pilot scale and under industrial production conditions, the efficacy of the seaweed extract as a bio-based substitute for the synthetic coatings, which are currently used to prevent browning in fresh-cut apples. Novelty impact statement Fresh-cut fruits are subjected to processing operations leading to a decrease in nutritional and organoleptic properties. It is therefore necessary to adopt strategies to delay the degradative processes. In this study, the efficacy of a pilot-scale production and industrial application of a coating formulated with Codium tomentosum seaweed extract has been established for the first time. This seaweed extract possesses the potential to prevent browning development in fresh-cut apples under industrial operating conditions. info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Databáze: OpenAIRE