Modern earthquakes as a key to understanding those of the past: the intensity attenuation curve speaks about earthquake depth and magnitude

Autor: Paola Sbarra, Pierfrancesco Burrato, Valerio De Rubeis, Patrizia Tosi, Gianluca Valensise, Roberto Vallone, Paola Vannoli
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 1684-9981
Popis: The Italian historical earthquake record is among the richest worldwide; as such it allows the development of advanced techniques for retrieving quantitative information by calibration with recent earthquakes. Building on a pilot elaboration of northern Italy earthquakes, we developed a procedure for determining the focal depth of all Italian earthquakes from intensity data alone. In a second step the procedure calculates their magnitude, taking into account the inferred depth. Focal depth exhibits a substantial variability countrywide, but so far received little attention: pre-instrumental earthquakes were routinely "flattened" at upper crustal level (~10 km), on the grounds that the calculation of focal depth is heavily dependent on the largely unknown local propagation properties. We gathered a learning set of 42 earthquakes documented by reliable instrumental data and by numerous intensity observations. Rather unexpectedly we observe (1) that within 50 km from the epicenter the ground motion attenuation rate is primarily controlled by focal depth and largely independent of magnitude; (2) that within this distance the fluctuations of crustal attenuation properties are negligible countrywide; and (3) that knowing both the depth and the expected epicentral intensity makes it possible to estimate a reliable magnitude.
Databáze: OpenAIRE