Extreme Sound, 'Extreme' Lifestyle? Investigating Cattle Decapitation’s Stance on the Human Impact on the Environment and Animal Rights

Autor: Bojana Radovanovic
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Studia Polensia
Volume 10
Issue 1
ISSN: 2459-6256
Popis: Uvidom u tekstove pjesama i životni stil koji vode neki od članova kalifornijskoga deathgrind benda Cattle Decapitation, ovaj članak istražuje vezu između ekstremnoga zvuka, koji bend njeguje i „ekstremne“ poruke koja proizlazi iz njihova rada. Naime, sadašnji i bivši članovi benda ističu svoj stav o problemu okrutnosti prema životinjama i negativnoga utjecaja ljudi na životno okruženje, što se može primijetiti i u tekstualnim i u vizualnim aspektima njihova stvaralaštva. Govoreći u terminima koje je ustanovio sociolog Keith Kahn-Harris, njihovi stavovi imaju osnovu u diskurzivnim, tjelesnim i soničnim transgresijama rada ovoga benda. Cilj je ovoga rada propitivanje na koji način ove transgresije, odnosno, vidovi „ekstremizma“, surađuju i time pojačavaju cjelokupni dojam. To će biti učinjeno ispitivanjem točaka ekstrema u suvremenome društvu na kojima se pozicije o politici, životnoj sredini i pravima životinja susreću sa zvukom muzike benda Cattle Decapitation.
With insight into the lyrics and lifestyle choices of some of the members of the Californian deathgrind band Cattle Decapitation, this article explores the connection between their extreme sound and the “extreme” messages in their work. Namely, the band’s current and former members have been vocal about their stance on animal cruelty and human impact on the environment, also reflected in the band’s lyrics and imagery. Their positions are supported by, to use the terms coined by Keith Kahn- Harris, the utilization of discursive, bodily, as well as sonic transgressions. With that in mind, the goal of this paper is to examine the ways in which these transgressions, or rather, forms of “extremism,” collaborate, reinforce, and strengthen each other. This will be achieved by questioning the points of contact among the movements concerning political/environmental/ animal rights and the sounds deemed extreme in contemporary society.
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