Müllerianosis: four developmental (embryonic) mullerian diseases

Autor: John Yeh, Ronald E. Batt
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 20(9)
ISSN: 1933-7205
Popis: The theory of mullerianosis predicts that embryonic mullerian tissue, misplaced during organogenesis, results in the formation of 4 benign mullerian diseases-developmental adenomyosis, endometriosis, endosalpingiosis, and endocervicosis-(developmental mullerian diseases) that will be identified in human female fetuses, infants, children, adolescents, and adults. Direct evidence is presented to support the existence of developmental adenomyosis, developmental endometriosis, and developmental endocervicosis in human female fetuses along with strong circumstantial evidence supporting the existence of all 4 developmental mullerian diseases in human female infants, children, adolescents, and adults. This evidence throws light upon the pathogenesis of rare mullerian lesions whose pathogenesis remains inexplicable by classical and modern theories. Furthermore, this research has scientific and clinical relevance: scientific relevance because it opens up a new field of comparative research-the 4 developmental mullerian diseases complement the 4 acquired mullerian diseases; clinical relevance because it identifies rare mullerian diseases curable by complete surgical excision.
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