Improving Ambulatory Care Resident Training: Preparing for Opportunities to Treat Mental Illness in the Primary Care Setting

Autor: Jolene R. Bostwick, Nada Farhat, Stuart D Rockafellow
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of pharmacy practice. 31(5)
ISSN: 1531-1937
Popis: Purpose: The development of an outpatient psychiatry clinical practice learning experience for PGY2 ambulatory care pharmacy residents in preparation for the treatment of psychiatric disorders in the primary care setting is described. Summary: With the increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders, significant mortality, and limited access to care, integration of mental health treatment into the primary care setting is necessary to improve patient outcomes. Given the majority of mental health treatment occurs in the primary care setting, pharmacists in patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) are in a unique position with direct access to patients to effectively manage these illnesses. However, the increased need for pharmacist education and training in psychiatry has prompted a large, Midwestern academic health system to develop an outpatient psychiatry learning experience for PGY2 (Postgraduate Year 2) ambulatory care pharmacy residents in 2015. The goal of this learning experience is to introduce the PGY2 ambulatory care residents to the role and impact of psychiatric clinical pharmacists and to orient the residents to the basics of psychiatric pharmacotherapy to be applied to their future practice in the primary care setting. Conclusion: The development of an outpatient psychiatry learning experience for PGY2 ambulatory care pharmacy residents will allow for more integrated and comprehensive care for patients with psychiatric conditions, many of whom are treated and managed in the PCMH setting.
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