Abbey of St James in Opatija

Autor: Marko Medved
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Croatica Christiana periodica
Volume 45
Issue 87
ISSN: 1848-9982
Popis: Autor iznosi temeljne datosti iz povijesti opatije sv. Jakova, od njezinih srednjovjekovnih početaka do suvremena razdoblja. Rad donosi presjek dosadašnjih historiografskih spoznaja, stavljajući posebice naglasak na definiranje vremena i razloga benediktinskog napuštanja opatije, kao i temeljnih obilježja augustinske prisutnosti od sredine 16. do prve polovice 18. stoljeća. Autor analizira literaturu i neobjavljena vrela, iznoseći rezultate kojima zatvara neka od dosadašnjih otvorenih pitanja iz prošlosti opatije, koja je dala ime današnjem gradu Opatiji. Od 18. stoljeća opatija će biti povezana uz Riječki kolegij Družbe Isusove, a nakon toga uz arhiđakona zbornog kaptola u Rijeci. Nakon uspostave Riječke biskupije, titulu opata sv. Jakova preuzet će riječki biskup, koji je nosi do danas.
The author delivers a general history of the Abbey of St James, from its beginnings in the Middle Ages up to contemporary times. Based on the information from the relevant historiographical literature, the author emphasizes discussion about the time and reasons when Benedictines have left the Abbey, as well as the importance of Augustinians in the period between the mid-sixteenth and mid-eighteenth centuries. Analysis of the relevant literature and archival unpublished sources enabled the author to propose answers to some up-to-now unanswered questions regarding the history of the Abbey after which is named Town of Opatija. From the eighteenth century, this Abbey was organizationally subjected to the Jesuit College in Rijeka, and later to the archdeacon of Collegiate Chapter at Rijeka. After the Diocese of Rijeka was founded the title of the abbot of St James became a part of the title of the Bishop of Rijeka.
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