Surveillance of condom distribution and usage in Baltimore, Maryland

Autor: C Storck, S Shekar, D Glasser, J M Crutcher, H D Kalter, D M Dwyer
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: Condom distribution and use are being determined in Baltimore Maryland as a method for monitoring the adoption of safer sex practices as a result of AIDS education campaigns. Condom distribution in the city of 787000 is through 6 channels: retail sales and thefts the Health Education and Resource Organization (HERO) Baltimore City Health Department Maryland Department of Health Maryland Medical Assistance and Planned Parenthood. Distribution of condoms at these points is being tracked by a sentinel method in 4 selected neighborhoods. The method of monitoring condom use is to collect condoms from the aeration tank of the main waste water treatment plant on a biweekly basis: 50-450 are collected per month. Although the program has generated much derision from the media who are somewhat resistant to education about the importance of epidemic control the costs of the program are only $30000 mostly in-kind donated services.
Databáze: OpenAIRE