Causative verbs and event segmentation in Ewe

Autor: Nathaniel Glover-Meni, Phillips Kofi Atsu Larnyo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Volume: 16, Issue: 3 1115-1126
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
ISSN: 1305-578X
Popis: This paper seeks to outline and describe the features of Ewe causative verbs and how they encode causative events. It explores the sub-lexical analysis of verbs' meanings since they form the basis of the classification of causal relations that allow us to explore the different imports between sub-events and how these events are structured, and how the participants in the events are related to the description of the event itself acknowledges that establishing causal connections between events and their participants is one the principal means by which we structure our experience of our social and verbs and ther relational environment. Previous typological studies have focussed on event segmentation into syntactic and intonational units, as well as motion events. This study is descriptive in nature and focuses on causative verbs and their relational analysis with the causative events they construe. This paper identifies that just as English and other languages do, causation is at the heart of the majority of the semantic analyses of verbs'meaning relevant to argument realization to involve the causal structure of the events they encode.
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