'Trust me, I’m an advertiser' : the influence of message sidedness and advertiser credibility on readers’ perceptions of native advertisements

Autor: Steve Paulussen, Karolien Poels, Simone Krouwer
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Advances in advertising research (Vol. XI) : designing and communicating experience / Waiguny, M.K.J. [edit.]; Rosengren, S. [edit.]
Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XI) ISBN: 9783658322007
Popis: This research investigates to what extent message sidedness and advertiser credibility can positively influence readers’ perceptions of native advertisements, advertisers and news websites, once readers are aware that they are looking at an advertisement. The results show that a native advertisement from a high-credibility commercial organization was perceived to be just as credible as a news article, while a native advertisement from a low-credibility organization was not. The results also suggest that using a two-sided message strategy can lower readers’ inferences of manipulative intent, which results into more positive evaluations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE