D-Egg: a dual PMT optical module for IceCube

Autor: Abbasi, R., Ackermann, Markus, Adams, J., Aggarwal, N., Aguilar, J. A., Ahlers, M., Alameddine, J. M., Alves, Jr. A. A., Amin, N. M., Andeen, K., Anderson, T., Anton, G., Argüelles, C., Ashida, Y., Athanasiadou, S., Axani, S. N., Bai, X., Balagopal V., A., Baricevic, M., Barwick, S. W., Basu, V., Bay, R., Beatty, J. J., Becker, K.-H., Becker Tjus, J., Beise, J., Bellenghi, C., BenZvi, S., Berley, D., Bernardini, E., Besson, D. Z., Binder, G., Bindig, D., Blaufuss, E., Blot, S., Bontempo, F., Book, J. Y., Borowka, J., Meneguolo, C. Boscolo, Böser, S., Botner, O., Böttcher, J., Bourbeau, E., Braun, J., Brinson, B., Brostean-Kaiser, J., Burley, R. T., Busse, R. S., Campana, M. A., Carloni, K., Carnie-Bronca, E. G., Chen, C., Chen, Z., Chirkin, D., Choi, S., Clark, B. A., Classen, L., Coleman, A., Collin, G. H., Connolly, A., Conrad, J. M., Coppin, P., Correa, P., Countryman, S., Cowen, D. F., Dappen, C., Dave, P., De Clercq, C., DeLaunay, J. J., López, D. Delgado, Dembinski, H., Deoskar, K., Desai, A., Desiati, P., de Vries, K. D., de Wasseige, G., DeYoung, T., Diaz, A., Díaz-Vélez, J. C., Dittmer, M., Domi, A., Dujmovic, H., DuVernois, M. A., Ehrhardt, T., Eller, P., Engel, R., Erpenbeck, H., Evans, J., Evenson, P. A., Fan, K. L., Fazely, A. R., Fedynitch, A., Feigl, N., Fiedlschuster, S., Fienberg, A. T., Finley, C., Fischer, Leander, Fox, D., Franckowiak, A., Friedman, E., Fritz, A., Fürst, P., Gaisser, T. K., Gallagher, J., Ganster, E., Garcia, A., Garrappa, S., Gerhardt, L., Ghadimi, A., Glaser, C., Glauch, T., Glüsenkamp, T., Goehlke, N., Gonzalez, J. G., Goswami, S., Grant, D., Gray, S. J., Grégoire, T., Griffin, S., Griswold, S., Günther, C., Gutjahr, P., Haack, C., Hallgren, A., Halliday, R., Halve, L., Halzen, F., Hamdaoui, H., Ha Minh, M., Hanson, K., Hardin, J., Harnisch, A. A., Hatch, P., Haungs, A., Helbing, K., Hellrung, J., Henningsen, F., Heuermann, L., Hickford, S., Hidvegi, A., Hill, C., Hill, G. C., Hoffman, K. D., Hoshina, K., Hou, W., Huber, T., Hultqvist, K., Hünnefeld, M., Hussain, R., Hymon, K., In, S., Iovine, N., Ishihara, A., Jansson, M., Japaridze, G. S., Jeong, M., Jin, M., Jones, B. J. P., Kang, D., Kang, W., Kang, X., Kappes, A., Kappesser, D., Kardum, L., Karg, T., Karl, M., Karle, A., Katz, U., Kauer, M., Kelley, J. L., Kheirandish, A., Kin, K., Kiryluk, J., Klein, S. R., Kochocki, A., Koirala, R., Kolanoski, H., Kontrimas, T., Köpke, L., Kopper, C., Koskinen, D. J., Koundal, P., Kovacevich, M., Kowalski, Marek, Kozynets, T., Kruiswijk, K., Krupczak, E., Kumar, Anil, Kun, E., Kurahashi, N., Lad, N., Gualda, C. Lagunas, Lamoureux, M., Larson, M. J., Lauber, F., Lazar, J. P., Lee, J. W., Leonard DeHolton, K., Leszczyńska, A., Lincetto, M., Liu, Q. R., Liubarska, M., Lohfink, E., Love, C., Lozano Mariscal, C. J., Lu, L., Lucarelli, F., Ludwig, A., Luszczak, W., Lyu, Y., Ma, W. Y., Madsen, J., Mahn, K. B. M., Makino, Y., Mancina, S., Sainte, W. Marie, Mariş, I. C., Marka, S., Marka, Z., Marsee, M., Martinez-Soler, I., Maruyama, R., Mayhew, F., McElroy, T., McNally, F., Mead, J. V., Meagher, K., Mechbal, S., Medina, A., Meier, M., Meighen-Berger, S., Merckx, Y., Merten, L., Meures, T., Micallef, J., Mockler, D., Montaruli, T., Moore, R. W., Morii, Y., Morse, R., Moulai, M., Mukherjee, T., Naab, R., Nagai, R., Naumann, U., Nayerhoda, A., Necker, J., Neumann, M., Niederhausen, H., Nisa, M. U., Noell, A., Nowicki, S. C., Pollmann, A. Obertacke, Oehler, M., Oeyen, B., Olivas, A., Orsoe, R., Osborn, J., O'Sullivan, E., Pandya, H., Pankova, D. V., Park, N., Parker, G. K., Paudel, E. N., Paul, L., de los Heros, C. Pérez, Peterson, J., Philippen, S., Pieper, S., Pizzuto, A., Plum, M., Popovych, Y., Rodriguez, M. Prado, Pries, B., Procter-Murphy, R., Przybylski, G. T., Raab, C., Rack-Helleis, J., Rawlins, K., Rechav, Z., Rehman, A., Reichherzer, P., Renzi, G., Resconi, E., Reusch, S., Rhode, W., Richman, M., Riedel, B., Roberts, E. J., Robertson, S., Rodan, S., Roellinghoff, G., Rongen, M., Rott, C., Ruhe, T., Ruohan, L., Ryckbosch, D., Cantu, D. Rysewyk, Safa, I., Saffer, J., Salazar-Gallegos, D., Sampathkumar, P., Herrera, S. E. Sanchez, Sandrock, A., Sandstrom, P., Santander, M., Sarkar, S., Savelberg, J., Savina, P., Schaufel, M., Schieler, H., Schindler, S., Schlüter, B., Schmidt, T., Schneider, J., Schröder, F. G., Schumacher, L., Schwefer, G., Sclafani, S., Seckel, D., Seunarine, S., Sharma, A., Shefali, S., Shimizu, N., Shimizu, S., Silva, M., Skrzypek, B., Smithers, B., Snihur, R., Soedingrekso, J., Søgaard, A., Soldin, D., Spannfellner, C., Spiczak, G. M., Spiering, C., Stamatikos, M., Stanev, T., Stein, Robert, Stezelberger, T., Stürwald, T., Stuttard, T., Sulanke, K. H., Sullivan, G. W., Taboada, I., Ter-Antonyan, S., Thompson, W. G., Thwaites, J., Tilav, S., Tollefson, K., Tönnis, C., Toscano, S., Tosi, D., Trettin, A., Tung, C. F., Turcotte, R., Twagirayezu, J. P., Ty, B., Unland Elorrieta, M. A., Upshaw, K., Valtonen-Mattila, N., Vandenbroucke, J., van Eijndhoven, N., Vannerom, D., van Santen, J., Vara, J., Veitch-Michaelis, J., Verpoest, S., Veske, D., Walck, C., Watson, T. B., Weaver, C., Weber, J., Weigel, P., Weindl, A., Weldert, J., Wendt, C., Werthebach, J., Weyrauch, M., Whitehorn, N., Wiebusch, C. H., Willey, N., Williams, D. R., Wisher, I., Wolf, M., Wrede, G., Wulff, J., Xu, X. W., Yanez, J. P., Yildizci, E., Yoshida, S., Yu, F., Yu, S., Yuan, T., Zhang, Z., Zhelnin, P., IceCube Collaboration
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Abbasi, R, Ackermann, M, Adams, J, Aggarwal, N, Aguilar, J A, Ahlers, M T, Alameddine, J M, Alves, AA, Amin, N M, Andeen, K, Anderson, T, Bourbeau, E, Kozynets, T, Mead, J, Sarkar, S, Stuttard, T S, Koskinen, D J, Søgaard, A & Icecube Collaboration 2023, ' D-Egg : a dual PMT optical module for IceCube ', Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 18, P04014 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/18/04/P04014
Journal of Instrumentation 18(04), P04014 (2023). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/18/04/P04014
ISSN: 1748-0221
DOI: 10.3204/pubdb-2023-03038
Popis: Journal of Instrumentation 18(04), P04014 (2023). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/18/04/P04014
The D-Egg, an acronym for “Dual optical sensors in anEllipsoid Glass for Gen2,” is one of the optical modules designedfor future extensions of the IceCube experiment at the South Pole.The D-Egg has an elongated-sphere shape to maximize thephoton-sensitive effective area while maintaining a narrow diameterto reduce the cost and the time needed for drilling of thedeployment holes in the glacial ice for the optical modules atdepths up to 2700 m.The D-Egg design is utilized for the IceCube Upgrade, the next stageof the IceCube project also known as IceCube-Gen2 Phase 1, wherenearly half of the optical sensors to be deployed are D-Eggs. Withtwo 8-inch high-quantum efficiency photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) permodule, D-Eggs offer an increased effective area while retaining thesuccessful design of the IceCube digital optical module (DOM). Theconvolution of the wavelength-dependent effective area and theCherenkov emission spectrum provides an effective photodetectionsensitivity that is 2.8 times larger than that of IceCube DOMs. Thesignal of each of the two PMTs is digitized using ultra-low-power14-bit analog-to-digital converters with a sampling frequency of240 MSPS, enabling a flexible event triggering, as well as seamlessand lossless event recording of single-photon signals tomulti-photons exceeding 200 photoelectrons within 10 ns. Massproduction of D-Eggs has been completed, with 277 out of the310 D-Eggs produced to be used in the IceCube Upgrade. Inthis paper, we report the design of the D-Eggs, as well as thesensitivity and the single to multi-photon detection performance ofmass-produced D-Eggs measured in a laboratory using the built-indata acquisition system in each D-Egg optical sensor module.
Published by Inst. of Physics, London
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