Certified Reference Material IAEA-446 for radionuclides in Baltic Sea seaweed

Autor: Tarja K. Ikäheimonen, J. Schikowski, Elena Chamizo, C. Gasco, E. Vasileva, P. A. Smedley, M. Kloster, Weijian Zhou, A. V. Harms, J. Wong, Vesa-Pekka Vartti, Fernando P. Carvalho, G. Kanisch, Alexander Mauring, E. Hrnecek, B. V. Silobritiene, C. Engeler, F. L. Ibanez, M. Benmansour, Christer Samuelsson, Tamara Zalewska, Justin P. Gwynn, Pavel P. Povinec, U. Rieth, L. D. R. Norrlid, Sven Poul Nielsen, B. Møller, Håkan Pettersson, Hartmut Nies, D. Degering, T. Morimoto, M. Llaurado, M. K. Pham, Maria Suplińska, C. Ilchmann
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
ISSN: 1872-9800
Popis: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications 17–21 June 2013, Antwerp, Belgium.-- et al.
A Certified Reference Material (CRM) for radionuclides in seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) from the Baltic Sea (IAEA-446) is described and the results of the certification process are presented. The 40K, 137Cs, 234U and 239+240Pu radionuclides were certified for this material, and information values for 12 other radionuclides (90Sr, 99Tc, 210Pb (210Po), 226Ra, 228Ra, 228Th, 230Th, 232Th, 235U, 238U, 239Pu and 240Pu) are presented. The CRM can be used for Quality Assurance/Quality Control of analysis of radionuclides in seaweed and other biota samples, as well as for development and validation of analytical methods, and for training purposes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE