Aspirin-induced gastrointestinal microbleeding in dogs

Autor: Barrie M. Phillips
Rok vydání: 1973
Zdroj: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 24:182-189
ISSN: 0041-008X
DOI: 10.1016/0041-008x(73)90138-5
Popis: 59Fe-labeled ferrous sulfate was administered iv to 12 male dogs, and gastrointestinal microbleeding was determined by comparison of the 59Fe specific activities of 24-hr stool collections and of whole blood. During a 69-day period following injection of 59Fe, the dogs received 0, 32.5, 65, or 97.5 mg/kg aspirin po in gelatin capsules twice daily during four 7-day treatment periods (each of which was preceded by a 7-day period of no treatment) in complete changeover fashion. Over this range (approximately equivalent to 1, 2 or 3 five-grain aspirin tablets twice daily), aspirin increased gastrointestinal microbleeding in a dose-dependent manner. This response to aspirin was reflected in increased fecal blood loss beginning on the first day of drug administration, in contrast to the response in humans, which is generally delayed 24 hr. The dog does not become refractory to this effect of aspirin during 7-day treatment periods or during alternating control and aspirin treatment periods. It was concluded that the dog may be a suitable species for the evaluation of the effect of aspirin formulations on gastrointestinal microbleeding.
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