Reduced blood pressure lability during emergence from anaesthesia in rats: a pilot study using clonidine

Autor: Andrei Cividjian, N. Rentero, Luc Quintin
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 52:295-301
ISSN: 1399-6576
DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2007.01493.x
Popis: Physiology, CNRS 5123-University of Lyon, Lyon, FranceBackground: In the post-operative setting, pressure labi-lity is increased in hypertensive patients.a-2 agonists wereshown qualitatively to reduce this lability qualitatively.Here, upon immobilization combined with emergencefrom anesthesia in rats and clonidine administration,pressure lability was quantitatively assessed and relatedto baroreflex sensitivity.Methods: After local anesthesia of all incisions and surgi-cal wounds and myorelaxationwithmetocurine,ratshadhalothane withdrawn for 60min. Rats received (a) saline(n 58), (b) clonidine 30mg/kg i.v (n 58) simultaneous tohalothane discontinuation and (c) halothane readministra-tion (n 58) 20min after halothane discontinuation.Pressure lability was quantitatively assessed using occur-rence/amplitude of peaks in systolic blood pressure (SBP)and cardiac baroreflex slope.Results: Clonidine was associated with partial blunting ofhypertension, reduced standard deviation of SBP, reducednumber and amplitude of peaks in systolic pressure.Clonidine was also associated with increased slope of thecardiac baroreflex upon early intervals of emergence, butnotatlaterintervals.Conclusion: Clonidine reduces pressure lability uponimmobilization stress combined to emergence fromanesthesia, via parasympathetic activation and possiblysympathetic inhibition during early emergence as opposedto sympathetic inhibition during late emergence.
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