Functional Heterogeneity of Protein Kinase A Activation in Multipotent Stromal Cells

Autor: Natalia Kalinina, Konstantin Y. Kulebyakin, Vadim I Chechekhin, Pyotr A. Tyurin-Kuzmin, Veronika Yu. Sysoeva, Anastasiya M Ivanova, Mariya N Skryabina, Maxim Karagyaur, Daniyar T. Dyikanov, Vsevolod A. Tkachuk, Mikhail Arbatskiy
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Volume 21; Issue 12; Pages: 4442
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol 21, Iss 4442, p 4442 (2020)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
ISSN: 1422-0067
DOI: 10.3390/ijms21124442
Popis: Multipotent stromal cells (MSC) demonstrate remarkable functional heterogeneity; however, its molecular mechanisms remain largely obscure. In this study, we explored MSC response to hormones, which activate Gs-protein / cyclic AMP (cAMP) / protein kinase A (PKA) dependent signaling, at the single cell level using genetically encoded biosensor PKA-Spark. For the first time, we demonstrated that about half of cultured MSCs are not able to activate the cAMP/PKA pathway, possibly due to the limited availability of adenylyl cyclases. Using this approach, we showed that MSC subpopulations responding to various hormones largely overlapped, and the share of responding cells did not exceed 40%. Using clonal analysis, we showed that signaling heterogeneity of MSC could be formed de novo within 2 weeks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE