Comparative Analysis of the Interaction between the Antiviral Drug Umifenovir and Umifenovir Encapsulated in Phospholipids Micelles (Nanosome/Umifenovir) with dsDNA as a Model for Pharmacogenomic Analysis by Electrochemical Methods

Autor: Victoria V. Shumyantseva, Tatiana V. Bulko, Lyubov E. Agafonova, Veronika V. Pronina, Lyubov V. Kostryukova
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Processes; Volume 11; Issue 3; Pages: 922
ISSN: 2227-9717
DOI: 10.3390/pr11030922
Popis: In the present study, the electrochemical behavior of antiviral drug umifenovir (Umi) and umifenovir encapsulated in phospholipids micelles (nanosome/umifenovir, NUmi) were investigated for the first time on screen-printed electrodes modified by carbon nanotubes. We have shown that Umi can be electro oxidized around the potential of +0.4 V in the concentration range of 50–500 µM (R2 = 0.992). Non-overlapping signatures of DNA and umifenovir (10–150 µM) permit to register interaction between umifenovir (or umifenovir encapsulated in phospholipids micelles), purine, and pyrimidine heterocyclic bases of DNA separately. The type of interaction is most likely via electrostatic interactions and groove binding in drug-DNA formed complex, as was revealed based on the values of binding constants Kb and the cathodic shifts of oxidation potentials for heterocyclic bases with increasing Umi or NUmi concentration. The negative values of Gibbs free energy (ΔG) for all nucleobases confirm the process spontaneity. This study is the first one presenting the effect of antiviral drug umifenovir and umifenovir encapsulated in phospholipids micelles on dsDNA as a target of pharmacogenomics.
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