Measurement of Longitudinal Spin Transfer to Lambda Hyperons in Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering

+p+pi%22&type=SU">Lambda --> p pi, Quark, fragmentation [up], Nuclear and High Energy Physics, Particle physics, electroproduction [Lambda], MUON SCATTERING, FOS: Physical sciences, Nuclear physics, ASYMMETRIES, 0103 physical sciences, ddc:530, SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy, 010306 general physics, Z-DECAYS, quark model parton, 010308 nuclear & particles physics, Hyperon, (LAMBDA)OVER-BAR POLARIZATION, Deep inelastic scattering, conservation law [helicity], DEUTERON, High Energy Physics::Experiment, polarized beam [positron], positron p --> Lambda, POLARIZED QUARK DISTRIBUTIONS, Lepton, experimental results -->
Popis: Spin transfer in deep-inelastic Lambda electroproduction has been studied with the HERMES detector using the 27.6 GeV polarized positron beam in the HERA storage ring. For an average fractional energy transfer = 0.45, the longitudinal spin transfer from the virtual photon to the Lambda has been extracted. The spin transfer along the Lambda momentum direction is found to be 0.11 +/- 0.17 (stat) +/- 0.03 (sys); similar values are found for other possible choices for the longitudinal spin direction of the Lambda. This result is the most precise value obtained to date from deep-inelastic scattering with charged lepton beams, and is sensitive to polarized up quark fragmentation to hyperon states. The experimental result is found to be in general agreement with various models of the Lambda spin content, and is consistent with the assumption of helicity conservation in the fragmentation process.
Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; new version has an expanded discussion and small format changes
Popis souboru: application/pdf
Jazyk: English
ISSN: 1550-2368
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.64.112005
Přístupová URL adresa:
Rights: OPEN
Přírůstkové číslo: edsair.doi.dedup.....f22d42c10bdfcf879bfa320d2b6a1962
Autor: Th. Benisch, H. E. Jackson, V. G. Krivokhijine, A. Nagaitsev, S. Bernreuther, T. A. Shibata, Haiyan Gao, C. Baumgarten, M. Amarian, B. Braun, Michel Vetterli, F. Menden, S. Brauksiepe, Andrey V. Izotov, R.O. Avakian, Evaristo Cisbani, G. Rakness, E. Devitsin, V. A. Kozlov, W.-D. Nowak, N. Akopov, A. Metz, Ralf Kaiser, M. Guidal, A. Reali, Valeria Muccifora, A.O. Mateos, B. D. Fox, A. R. Reolon, A. Avetissian, W. Lachnit, A. Airapetian, G. S. Kyle, V. A. Korotkov, M. Iodice, E. Steffens, M. Henoch, A. Kisselev, A. Borissov, Robert Henderson, M. Kurisuno, M. Sutter, G. M. Urciuoli, A. Simon, G. Gavrilov, M. Düren, R. D. McKeown, P. Geiger, R. J. Holt, G. P. Capitani, J. van Hunen, Klaus Rith, M. Kolstein, M. Ruh, Adel Terkulov, F. Masoli, J. Visser, A. Dvoredsky, L. G. Greeniaus, S. Yoneyama, R. Mussa, Wolfgang Lorenzon, B. Tipton, F. Neunreither, P. Carter, R. Openshaw, B. R. Owen, E. De Sanctis, C. Scarlett, H. Schmitt, H. Avakian, Y. Gärber, U. Stosslein, Y. Holler, Michael Tytgat, S. Taroian, P. Rossi, Salvatore Frullani, E. E. W. Bruins, A. Fechtchenko, B. Bray, Franco Garibaldi, P. F. Dalpiaz, K. Königsmann, R. P. Redwine, E. Thomas, Michael Pitt, A. Brüll, C. A. Miller, G. Schnell, W. Wander, J. Ely, A. Jgoun, G. Elbakian, A. Gute, W. Brückner, S. E. Williamson, S. Belostotski, P.K.A. de Witt Huberts, P. Kitching, Ross Milner, H. Kolster, O. Grebeniouk, S. I. Manaenkov, Alessandra Fantoni, T. Shin, M. Nupieri, G. van der Steenhoven, G. Graw, A. Golendukhin, H. J. Bulten, Alan M. Nathan, F.H. Heinsius, P. Chumney, E. C. Aschenauer, E. R. Kinney, V. Shutov, V. Vikhrov, B. Bains, L. H. Kramer, Wolfgang Korsch, Y. Naryshkin, C. Simani, Naomi C R Makins, F. Meissner, V. Gyurjyan, Manuella Vincter, M.-A. Funk, E. Volk, Ralf Hertenberger, H. Ihssen, J. P. Haas, A. Schwind, Hiroaki Kobayashi, K. Fiedler, K. Shibatani, K. Woller, M. Spengos, J. Franz, K. McIlhany, I.A. Savin, P.W. Green, G.R. Court, M. McAndrew, H. Tallini, J. W. Martin, S. Rudnitsky, Dirk Ryckbosch, Thomas O'Neill, K. P. Schüler, N. Koch, Nicola Bianchi, O. Mikloukho, S. Potashov, H. Zohrabian, M. Kirsch, P. Di Nezza, M. A. Miller, C. Grosshauser, R. A. Ristinen, J. M. Niczyporuk, N. Meyners, J.-O. Hansen, M. Ferstl, M. Bouwhuis, H. Böttcher, S. F. Pate, V. Papavassiliou, R. Van de Vyver, P. Slavich, Jeffrey Brack, J. Stenger, J. E. Belz, J. Stewart, W. Haeberli, P. Lenisa, J. Seibert, J. Wendland, D. Hasch, B. W. Filippone, J. Blouw, D. H. Potterveld, W. Hoprich, H. Fischer, O. Häusser, D. De Schepper, K. Sinram, T. Wise, V. Gharibyan, F. Schmidt, M. Beckmann, J. F. J. van den Brand, Yasuhiro Sakemi, Jinsong Ouyang, M. Hartig, S. Brons, F. K. Martens
Přispěvatelé: (Astro)-Particles Physics
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2001
(p pi-) [mass spectrum]
01 natural sciences
polarization [up]
High Energy Physics - Experiment
High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
27.5 GeV
angular distribution
deep inelastic scattering [positron p]
Nuclear Experiment
Spin polarization
polarization [Lambda]
Lambda --> p pi
fragmentation [up]
Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Particle physics
electroproduction [Lambda]
FOS: Physical sciences
Nuclear physics
0103 physical sciences
SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
010306 general physics
quark model parton
010308 nuclear & particles physics
Deep inelastic scattering
conservation law [helicity]
High Energy Physics::Experiment
polarized beam [positron]
positron p --> Lambda
experimental results
Zdroj: Physical review / D 64(11), 112005 (2001). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.64.112005
Physical Review D, 64(11):112005. American Physical Society
Physical Review D, 64. American Physical Society
Airapetian, A, van den Brand, J F J, Bulten, H J & Simani, M C 2001, ' Measurement of Longitudinal Spin Transfer to Lambda Hyperons in Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering. ', Physical Review D, vol. 64, pp. 112005 .
Airapetian, A, Akopov, N, Amarian, M, Aschenauer, E C, Avakian, H, Avakian, R, Avetissian, A, Bains, B, Baumgarten, C, Beckmann, M, Belostotski, S, Belz, J E, Benisch, T, Bernreuther, S, Bianchi, N, Blouw, J, Böttcher, H, Borissov, A, Bouwhuis, M, Brack, J, Brauksiepe, S, Braun, B, Bray, B, Brons, S, Brückner, W, Brüll, A, Bruins, E E W, Bulten, H J, Capitani, G P, Carter, P, Chumney, P, Cisbani, E, Court, G R, Dalpiaz, P F, De Sanctis, E, De Schepper, D, Devitsin, E, De Witt Huberts, P K A, Di Nezza, P, Düren, M, Dvoredsky, A, Elbakian, G, Ely, J, Fantoni, A, Fechtchenko, A, Ferstl, M, Fiedler, K, Filippone, B W, Fischer, H, Fox, B, Franz, J, Frullani, S, Funk, M A, Gärber, Y, Gao, H, Garibaldi, F, Gavrilov, G, Geiger, P, Gharibyan, V, Golendukhin, A, Graw, G, Grebeniouk, O, Green, P W, Greeniaus, L G, Grosshauser, C, Guidal, M, Gute, A, Gyurjyan, V, Haas, J P, Haeberli, W, Hausser, O, Hansen, J O, Hartig, M, Hasch, D, Heinsius, F H, Henderson, R, Henoch, M, Hertenberger, R, Holler, Y, Holt, R J, Hoprich, W, Ihssen, H, Iodice, M, Izotov, A, Jackson, H E, Jgoun, A, Kaiser, R, Kinney, E, Kirsch, M, Kisselev, A, Kitching, P, Kobayashi, H, Koch, N, Königsmann, K, Kolstein, M, Kolster, H, Korotkov, V, Korsch, W, Kozlov, V, Kramer, L H, Krivokhijine, V G, Kurisuno, M, Kyle, G, Lachnit, W, Lenisa, P, Lorenzon, W, Makins, N C R, Manaenkov, S I, Martens, F K, Martin, J W, Masoli, F, Mateos, A, McAndrew, M, McIlhany, K, McKeown, R D, Meissner, F, Menden, F, Metz, A, Meyners, N, Mikloukho, O, Miller, C A, Miller, M A, Milner, R, Most, A, Muccifora, V, Mussa, R, Nagaitsev, A, Naryshkin, Y, Nathan, A M, Neunreither, F, Niczyporuk, J M, Nowak, W D, Nupieri, M, O'Neill, T G, Openshaw, R, Ouyang, J, Owen, B R, Papavassiliou, V, Pate, S F, Pitt, M, Potashov, S, Potterveld, D H, Rakness, G, Reali, A, Redwine, R, Reolon, A R, Ristinen, R, Rith, K, Rossi, P, Rudnitsky, S, Ruh, M, Ryckbosch, D, Sakemi, Y, Savin, I, Scarlett, C, Schmidt, F, Schmitt, H, Schnell, G, Schüler, K P, Schwind, A, Seibert, J, Shibata, T A, Shibatani, K, Shin, T, Shutov, V, Simani, C, Simon, A, Sinram, K, Slavich, P, Spengos, M, Steffens, E, Stenger, J, Stewart, J, Stösslein, U, Sutter, M, Tallini, H, Taroian, S, Terkulov, A, Thomas, E, Tipton, B, Tytgat, M, Urciuoli, G M, Van Den Brand, J F J, Van Der Steenhoven, G, Van De Vyver, R, Van Hunen, J J, Vetterli, M C, Vikhrov, V, Vincter, M G, Visser, J, Volk, E, Wander, W, Wendland, J, Williamson, S E, Wise, T, Woller, K, Yoneyama, S & Zohrabian, H 2001, ' Measurement of longitudinal spin transfer to Λ hyperons in deep-inelastic lepton scattering ', Physical Review D, vol. 64, no. 11, 112005 .
ISSN: 1550-2368
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.64.112005
Popis: Spin transfer in deep-inelastic Lambda electroproduction has been studied with the HERMES detector using the 27.6 GeV polarized positron beam in the HERA storage ring. For an average fractional energy transfer = 0.45, the longitudinal spin transfer from the virtual photon to the Lambda has been extracted. The spin transfer along the Lambda momentum direction is found to be 0.11 +/- 0.17 (stat) +/- 0.03 (sys); similar values are found for other possible choices for the longitudinal spin direction of the Lambda. This result is the most precise value obtained to date from deep-inelastic scattering with charged lepton beams, and is sensitive to polarized up quark fragmentation to hyperon states. The experimental result is found to be in general agreement with various models of the Lambda spin content, and is consistent with the assumption of helicity conservation in the fragmentation process.
Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; new version has an expanded discussion and small format changes
Databáze: OpenAIRE