Do the Translations of the Qurʾān Reflect the Art of Iltifāt (Reference Switching)? - The Example of the Art of Iltifāt Between Māzi and Muzāri’ Verb Modes

Autor: Osman Arpaçukuru
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: The iltif?t(reference switching) is one of the arts of high literary value, widely practiced in the Qur??n. This art takes place in the form of switching to another person, verb mode, number, preposition or sentence type contrary to the necessity of the situation, while continuing the word as a certain person, verb mode, number, preposition or sentence type. The art of iltif?tadds certain meanings to words such as certainty, continuity and movement. It keeps the curiosity, desire, excitement and shiver alive. Similar to those who read the Qur??n, those who read the translation of the Qur??n are expected to be able to notice these meanings as much as possible and feel the literary pleasure of this art. There are important structural differences between Arabic and Turkish. In addition, the text that needs to be translated into Turkish is Holy Qur??n, which has a divine infinite dimension, and it is a limited human mind attempts to translate it. This situation requires an advanced level of caution and diligence in transferring the art of iltif?tto the translations of Qur??n. The issue of the art of iltif?tand the transfer of this art to the translations of the Qur??n has also been studied in scientific research in different world languages such as Arabic, English and Indonesian. As far as we can determine, the only study in Turkish that examines the reflection of the iltif?tin the Qur??n is the article titled "The Translation Problem of the Art of iltif?tin the Translation of the Qur??n" by Haşim Özdaş. In the mentioned article, five different Qur??n translations of eight verses from different types of the art of iltif?twere examined. It has been claimed that there is no art of iltif?tin Turkish language and literature, and that the translation of the art of iltif?tin the verses into Turkish is an obstacle to understanding the verses and leads to a wrong or incomplete understanding. As a solution, while the verses are being given and translated, it is suggested that the art of iltif?tin the verses be ignored. In this research article, the cases of the translations of the Qur??n reflecting the art of iltif?t, as an example of iltif?tbetween m?z?(past tense) and muz?ri?(present tense) verbs modes in the verses are discussed. In addition, it discusses the opinions that say there is no art of iltif?tin the Turkish language, that the exact transfer of the art of iltif?tfound in the Qur??n to the translations of the Qur??n causes wrong or incomplete understanding, therefore, the art of iltif?tshould be ignored when the verses are being translated. As a result, the present study argues that the art of iltif?tis also a subject of Turkish rhetoric, which should be reflected in the translations of the Qur??n as much as possible, and the transfer of the art of iltif?tin the translations of the Qur??n does not constitute an obstacle to understanding the verses, on the contrary, the reference to this art in the verses will contribute to the realization of the divine purpose and wisdom. The data sources of the research were created from 6 verses and their 22 different translations, using various sampling methods. The data collected from these were analysed using the comparative text analysis method on the basis of the inductive approach. Qualitative data was converted into quantitative data, processed in the SPSS application, and the findings were presented as numerical figures in tables. At the end of the research, it was determined that iltif?tbetween m?z?and muz?ri?verbs modes studied in the science of rhetoric was also a subject of grammar as the phenomenon of time shifts in verbs. It was seen that the art of iltif?twas applied in an average of 800 places in the Qur??n, and the iltif?tbetween m?z?and muz?ri?verbs modes accounted for 6.9% (55 pieces) of this amount. Most of these fifty-five iltif?ts were iltif?tfrom the m?z?verb mode to the muz?ri?verb mode (63.6%), while the amount of iltif?tthe muz?ri?verb mode to the m?z?verb mode was less (36.4%). In the analysed translations of the Qur??n, it was determined that the iltif?tbetween m?z?and muz?ri?verbs modes was not reflected at a rate of 90.9%, and the art of iltif?twas completely abandoned in 14 of the 22 translations. It was concluded that the reason why the art of iltif?tin the verses was not reflected in the translations of the Qur??n was the belief that this art was not found in Turkish and that the transfer of this art leads to wrong and incomplete understanding. In the research, it was proposed to increase the number of scientific studies in which various translation strategies and techniques were tested in the transfer of the art of iltif?tin the verses in the translations of the Qur??n. In this respect, this research article is expected to pave the way for more research on the issue of transferring the arts used in the Qur??n and to be useful for future translations of the Qur??n. Copyright © Published by Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi / Sivas Cumhuri-yet University, Faculty of Theology, Sivas, 58140 Turkey. All rights reserved.
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