Growth and Interlayer Engineering of 2D Layered Semiconductors for Future Electronics

Autor: Gichang Noh, Hwayoung Song, Min Soo Kang, Tae Soo Kim, Seorin Cho, Hyun-Jun Chai, Seong Rae Cho, Jeongwon Park, Kibum Kang, Ayoung Ham, Seungwoo Song, Sunghwan Bang, Joon Young Kwak, Intek Song, Min-kyung Jo, Kiwon Cho, Chanwoo Song
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ACS Nano. 14:16266-16300
ISSN: 1936-086X
Popis: Layered materials that do not form a covalent bond in a vertical direction can be prepared in a few atoms to one atom thickness without dangling bonds. This distinctive characteristic of limiting thickness around the sub-nanometer level allowed scientists to explore various physical phenomena in the quantum realm. In addition to the contribution to fundamental science, various applications were proposed. Representatively, they were suggested as a promising material for future electronics. This is because (i) the dangling-bond-free nature inhibits surface scattering, thus carrier mobility can be maintained at sub-nanometer range; (ii) the ultrathin nature allows the short-channel effect to be overcome. In order to establish fundamental discoveries and utilize them in practical applications, appropriate preparation methods are required. On the other hand, adjusting properties to fit the desired application properly is another critical issue. Hence, in this review, we first describe the preparation method of layered materials. Proper growth techniques for target applications and the growth of emerging materials at the beginning stage will be extensively discussed. In addition, we suggest interlayer engineering
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