Links between Academic Motivation, Psychological Need Satisfaction in Education, and University Students' Satisfaction with Their Study

Autor: Anja Podlesek, Melita Puklek Levpušček
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Psychological Topics, Vol 28, Iss 3, Pp 567-587 (2019)
Psihologijske teme
Volume 28
Issue 3
Psychological Topics, Vol 28, Iss 3 (2019)
ISSN: 1332-0742
Popis: Student motivation represents an important factor in their academic performance. The present study explored university students' academic motivation across the academic year and its relationship with psychological need satisfaction in the study context and academic adjustment. Deci and Ryan's SelfDetermination Theory (SDT) presents a theoretical framework of this study. 124 students participated in both waves of data collection. They answered the Academic Motivation Scale, College Version (AMS-C 28) in the fall of the academic year, and seven months later they answered the question about their certainty of study choice and completed again the AMS-C 28. Additionally, they answered the items about their psychological need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, relatedness) in the current academic year and the items about their satisfaction with the study. The results showed that all forms of academic motivation (as distributed along the SDT motivational continuum) remained highly stable within one academic year. More autonomous motivational orientation related to higher perceived satisfaction of psychological needs. Furthermore, it significantly predicted students' satisfaction with the study and certainty about the study choice. When students'satisfaction of psychological needs in the current academic year was entered into the regression model, it predicted satisfaction with the study and certainty in study choice over and above the students' level of autonomous motivation. The study showed the importance of creating learning environments that respond to students' psychological study needs.
Motivacija studenata predstavlja važan čimbenik školskoga postignuća. Ovim je istraživanjem ispitana akademska motivacija studenata tijekom akademske godine i njezin odnos sa zadovoljenjem psiholoških potreba u kontekstu studiranja te s akademskom prilagodbom. Teorijski okvir ovog istraživanja predstavlja teorija samoodređenja (SDT) Decija i Ryana. U obje su točke mjerenja sudjelovala 124 studenta. Na početku akademske godine studenti su ispunili Skalu akademske motivacije, verziju za studente (AMS-C 28), a sedam mjeseci kasnije odgovorili su na pitanje o svojoj sigurnosti izborom studija te ponovno ispunili AMS-C 28. Pored toga, procijenili su stupanj zadovoljenosti psiholoških potreba (za autonomijom, kompetencijom i povezanošću) u tekućoj akademskoj godini te svoje zadovoljstvo studijem. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi oblici akademske motivacije (raspoređeni po motivacijskom kontunuumu SDT-a) tijekom akademske godine ostali vrlo stabilni. Viša autonomna motivacijska orijentacija bila je povezana s većim percipiranim zadovoljenjem psiholoških potreba te je bila značajan prediktor zadovoljstva studenata studijem i sigurnosti u izbor studija. Kada je zadovoljenje psiholoških potreba studenata u tekućoj akademskoj godini uneseno u regresijski model, predviđalo je zadovoljstvo studijem i sigurnost u izbor studija povrh autonomne motivacije studenata. Istraživanje je uputilo na važnost stvaranja okruženja za učenje koje je responsivno na psihološke potrebe studenata vezane uz studij.
Databáze: OpenAIRE