Biochar for Environmental Remediation

Autor: Dinesh, Chandola, Smita, Rana
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Biochar-Productive Technologies, Properties and Applications ISBN: 9781803562513
Biochar-Productive Technologies, Properties and Applications
Popis: The environment is deteriorating rapidly, and it is essential to restore it as soon as possible. Biochar is a carbon-rich pyrolysis result of various organic waste feedstocks that has generated widespread attention due to its wide range of applications for removing pollutants and restoring the environment. Biochar is a recalcitrant, stable organic carbon molecule formed when biomass is heated to temperatures ranging from 300°C to 1000°C under low (ideally zero) oxygen concentrations. The raw organic feedstocks include agricultural waste, forestry waste, sewage sludge, wood chips, manure, and municipal solid waste, etc. Pyrolysis, gasification, and hydrothermal carbonization are the most frequent processes for producing biochar due to their moderate operating conditions. Slow pyrolysis is the most often used method among them. Biochar has been utilised for soil remediation and enhancement, carbon sequestration, organic solid waste composting, water and wastewater decontamination, catalyst and activator, electrode materials, and electrode modification and has significant potential in a range of engineering applications, some of which are still unclear and under investigation due to its highly varied and adjustable surface chemistry. The goal of this chapter is to look into the prospective applications of biochar as a material for environmental remediation.
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