Power efficient service differentiation based on traffic-aware survivable elastic optical networks

Autor: Dominique Verchere, Ioan Turus, Anna Manolova Fagertun, Josva Kleist, Annalisa Morea, Lars Dittmann
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Kleist, J, Turus, I, Dittman, L, Morea, A & Verchere, D 2014, Power efficient service differentiation based on traffic-aware survivable elastic optical networks . in Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), 2014 6th International Workshop on . pp. 91-96 . https://doi.org/10.1109/RNDM.2014.7014936
Popis: This study assesses the feasible energy savings when defining different service classes based on protection schemes in core optical networks. We propose a dedicated energy saving strategy for each of the service classes in order to minimize the overall power consumption of the network. Four Classes of Service are considered: platinum, gold, silver and best effort. Platinum connections benefit from a 1+1 protection scheme, gold connections and silver connections are assigned to a 1∶1 protection with the difference that in case of gold connections the same pair of transponders is shared by the working and protection sections. Best-effort connections do not have any associated protection. Two scenarios are implemented and compared. The first, the baseline approach, does not take into account any traffic-aware strategies while the second one, the proposed approach, includes energy reduction strategies taking into account the sleep-mode capability of the opto-electronic devices as well as the elastic data-rate adaptation based on symbol-rate and modulation-format reconfigurations. The results show that in the baseline approach the power consumption is strongly dependent on the ratio between the different service classes while for the proposed approach the difference in power consumption is almost negligible. Moreover, in case of the proposed approach, silver service class can benefit for superior quality of service compared to the gold service class, due to the grooming mechanism.
Databáze: OpenAIRE